Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, Sep. 10, 2014
The Regular Board meeting was called to order at 12:27 PM.
The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
President, Ken Gough-P
Immediate PP, George Winton-P
1st V.P, Steve Campbell-P
2d VP, Gayle Cox
Secretary, John Merriss-P
Projects Treas., Ed Gibbons-P
Admin.. Treas., Debbie Shipley-P
Tail Twister, George Winton-P
Lion Tamer: Jerry Lonon-P
1 year Dir:
2 Yr. Dir., Tom Terry-P
Also present Lion Don Raines
Reading of the minutes of the last BOD Meeting: Lion Raines moved to wave the reading of the August meeting notes. Seconded by Lion Campbell the motion passed by unanimous consent.
- Administrative Treasurer: Lion Debbie Shipley: Report for July $787.85. Income, $589.14expenses. Difference, $198.71. Checkbook Balance of $5279.89
- Projects Treasurer: 7/9/15 to 8/13/15 Total income $426.19. Expenses $4654.87 for a loss of $4228.68 and total assets of $24,173.06. And 8/13/15 to 9/10/15 Total income $217.15, total expenses $-1,453.94 for a loss of $1236.19.
- Membership: The following members have missed four or more consecutive meetings:
Bryon Botts, Mark Fox, Mike Ferguson, Lynda Gochenouer, Jerry Mathinson, Sam Messimer and Jane Myron.
- Dues: No one in arrears according to Lion Campbell.
Committee Reports:
Sight and hearing conservations: Lion Gibbons reported that applications are backed up to December 2015. He also said that there are 3 eye doctors in Elizabethton doing 2 examinations each every month for a total of 6.
Eye Screenings: 4 scheduled for September.
Eye glasses recycling: Lion Gough reported that he and Lion Ennis from the Kingsport club attended a meeting of the new Elizabethton club and explained everything that’s done at the recycling center twice a year and the effort to collect glasses for the bi-annual recycling trips. Lion Gough reported that we need to refurbish the collection box in Erwin.
LVBI: Lion Don Raines reported that LVBI needs chairs to replace the broken down ones that are way past the time to replace. LVBI is asking for $10,000.00 from the clubs in the district. Lion Raines challenged our club to do our share by offering to contribute $230.00 if the club would contribute a $770.00 match for a $1,000.00 total contribution the JCLC. Lion Gibbons moved for the club to take up the challenge and pledge $770.00. Dennis Powell seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. President Lion Gough asked Lion Gibbons to write a check for $1,000.00 to LVBI and he would get the $770.00 from Misc. funds from the 2016 FYE budget and the $230.00 from Lion Raines.
Turtle Derby: Lion Raines has arranged for coverage with Cumulus Broadcasting and the News and Neighbor on the night of the Turtle Derby.
Lion Shipley suggested we try to advertise on the electric billboard on West Market St. with a Public Service Announcement. That billboard is near the Carter Center and can add to interest, attendance and business support. Lion Raines will see if that can be arranged; he knows the owner of that billboard company.
Lion Gough said he will write a letter to the editors of the JC Press and the News and Neighbor to gin up support for the TD.
Lion Raines said he will create a press release for the Derby. It was agreed to print up 2000 new (free) tickets for this year’s event that will be distributed to the schools and pre- schools in Washington County. It was agreed to place yard signs for the Turtle Derby to be placed near the Carter Center.
Old Business:
New Business:.
Special note:
Meeting adjourned at: 1: 08 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
John Merriss
/S/ ________
Next regular meeting October 1st.
No meeting next Thursday September17.