The 12N District Convention was held in Morristown on February 21 and 22, with excellent attendance and an array of distinguished Lions present. 12N’s newest Lions Club, the JC-Lions-sponsored ETSU club, was there in strength. And, of course, the big news is that our own Ed Gibbons is the new District Governor. Congratulations, Ed, and good luck to you and Lion Theresa during your term.

New District Governor Ed Gibbons

Fletcher Stevens of Morristown was elected 1st Vice District Governor

International Director Steve Glass of West Virginia visited Volunteer Blind Industries with PDG Wendy Cain

Past District Governor Dennis Powell nominates Lion Ed for DG

Lion Gayle Cox seconded Ed’s nomination

ETSU Lion Ashley Gibbs, a student in the Bluegrass program, entertains the crowd

ID Steve Glass spoke to the luncheon on Saturday

Past International Director Bob Corlew

PDG Wendy Cain reports on leadership training

PDG Mike McDonough

PDG Dave Crawford

PDG Bill McDonald