Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting Oct. 10, 2013

Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:28 PM

The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
President Sterling Winn
Immediate Past President John Merriss-P
1st Vice-President George Winton- P
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons-P
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-P
Tail Twister Ken Gough-P
Lion Tamer CB Willis-
Secretary John Merriss – P


2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer-
Special Two Year Director CB Willis-

Also in attendance were Lions Jane Myron and Brandon Johnson; and special guests Dave Hogan and Don Hellman with Cumulus Broadcasting and WJCW Radio and Sue Legg of the Johnson City Press, who are doing special coverage of the Turtle Derby thanks to the efforts of Lion Don Raines. The interview with Vice President Lion Dr. George Winton should be on TV or radio or both this evening.

1. Minutes of Business Meeting: A motion to dispense with the reading of the notes from the last board meeting held in September was made by District Vice Governor Ed Gibbons, seconded by Lion Ken Gough and approved unanimously.

2. Administrative Treasurer: Lion Debbie Shipley reported September income of $896.50 and Expenses $421.72 for a difference of ($474.78) and a checkbook balance of $5,110.6.

3. Projects Treasurer: Lion Ed Gibbons reported Income of $771.01 and expenses of $3670.56 for a loss of $2899.55 and Total Liabilities &Equity of $21,877.72 for 9/12/2013 through 10/10/2013. Lion Gough moved to accept both Treasurers’ reports as written and submitted. Lion Gibbons seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

4.Committee Reports:

Turtle Derby: Lion Ken Gough reported that the some of the new Campus club members have offered to set up the track which is being brought out next week.  He also said anyone wanting to sponsor a turtle could do so (1) with any JC Lion or (2) through the web site or (3) by sending their check and business name, address and phone number to Johnson City Lions Club, P.O. Box 902, Johnson City, 37605. Lion Winton said sponsorship sales cannot be counted until they’re sent to Lion Dr. Steve Campbell (srcampbell@northeaststate.edu)The Derby will be held at Brooks Gym on the ETSU campus on November 1, 2013.  All sales need to be into Lion Steve by October 24, in order to be printed in the racing program.  Right now sales are at 200 and we need 400 more.  Sell turtles!!!!!!

Lion Shipley asked if she could purchase $200.00 worth of door prizes for the Turtle Derby.  Ken Gough moved that her request be granted.  It was seconded by Lion Gibbons and approved unanimously.

Sight Conservation:  VDG Gibbons reported that he estimates that more than 300 pairs of eyeglasses will be provided to needy individuals in the community this year vs. 272 provided last year.  He also said he will be identifying an individual in the club who will help him with this vital Lions operation in the near future.

Kid Sight Eye screenings: Lion Debbie asked Lion Gibbons to prepare a letter giving the cost and outlining the advantages of the new camera so she could present it to the bank she works for to possibly get a donation to help with its purchase.  Busy as he is, Lion Ed said he would get that out ASAP.

7. Old Business: Lion Shipley asked that any news regarding the welfare of any JC Lion be sent to her so she can send out the appropriate sentiment and keep the club informed.

8. New Business: Sell turtle sponsorships!

Meeting adjourned at: 12:48PM

/s/ John Merriss

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