07/11/2013 Board Meeting Notes

07/11/2013 Board Meeting Notes
Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, July 11th, 2013
The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:32 PM.
The Board Members who have a “P” after their
names were in attendance.
President Stearling Winn-P
Immediate Past President John Merris-P
2nd Vice-President Sterling Winn-P
Secretary-Brandon Johnson-P
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons-P
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-
Tail Twister Ken Gough- P
Lion Tamer CB Willis-P
2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer-
(2nd Year of Two Year) Debbie Merritt-
Special Two Year Director CB Willis-P
1. Minutes of Business Meeting: Lion Ken moved to wave the reading of the minutes. None opposed.
2. Administrative Treasurer: No report available.
3. A Projects Treasurer: Lion Seve Campbell moved to accept both treasurers’ reports as submitted. The motion was seconded by LionCB and approved unanimously.
4. As required in Article VI in the Club’s constitution the following active Lions were reported to have missed the past four consecutive meetings or more without makeup; NONE
5. As required in Article VI in the Club’s constitution IPP Lion Steve Campbell reported that no Lion is in arrears in membership dues as of this day.
6. Committee Reports:
Eyeglasses Recycling: Next Roanoke trip will be announced soon.
Membership and Retention: We currently have 33 members.
ETSU Lions Club: Lion Brandon gave an update of how the future of the club looks.

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