Regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held May 16th, 2013 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37604
(14 members present and 1 guest)
The meeting was called to order at 12:24 PM by King Lion Sterling Winn. VDG Lion Ed Gibbons asked the blessing and Lion Jerry Lonon led the pledge. The writer of these notes foolishly pledged to the Lions Banner instead of the flag which cost him the ire of the tail twister and a George W.
VDG Lion Ed Gibbons announced that the District 12N Charities’ Walk for Sight will be held this Saturday, May 18th at the TN School for the Blind at 2725 Island Home Blvd., Knoxville at 10:00 AM (register at 9:00AM). Lions unable to participate are encouraged to make a contribution by mail. Send your donation to District 12N Charities, Inc.; 8030 Whitestone Rd, Knoxville, TN 37938.
Lion Jerrry Lonon won the drawing and donated the money to a fine Lion cause.
Lion Ann VanDruemel’s guest was her very own sister, Lion Kay Culver – an Alpine Texas Lion.
King Lion Sterling announced that we still have two slots opened for the upcoming year for volunteers to be acting program chairs. Keep in mind we are the “volunteer” state. You can sign up for either August-September or December-January. Pick your poison and see the King or IPP to register.
Today’s speaker was Randy Hensley, founder (1998) and chairman/administrator or The Coalition for Kids (aka “the Rock”). Randy reported that the Rock is now helping 376 children (boys and girls from K thru 6th grade) in a Christian based after school program that provides food, homework study and caring supervision in nine different locations from after school to 5:30 PM and fun activities from 6:00PM to 8:30 PM at the Rock’s main facility across from God’s Corner on Watauga Rd. near L:ions Volunteer Blind Industries in Johnson City. The Rock and all its satellite facilities are DHS licensed child care facilities that operate year round. As he always does, Randy inspired and entertained us as he brought us up to date on this fine ministry.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:01 PM.
The next regular meeting will be Thursday, June 6, STSP.
Respectfully submitted by Lio John Merriss for Secretary Lion Brandon Johnson